communities called upon to take their responsibility to ensure their participation in the PROLOG Funding.
Some people remained skeptical with the campaign that was launched by the mayor for the creation of Neighborhood Committees , following ministerial instructions, as provided for by law. As a consequence, some neighborhoods are yet to create this structure and have excluded themselves from the funding of PROLOG. These include villages such as Nkon Mengom and AKUWU .
Some others that were created barely exist and have not been participating in council business. These include neighborhoods such as Ébat-Azem, Abebung, Bonambufei, Abichia, Mborroro Community, Ebang, Mbabum, TINEKOH, UMON, , New Quarter-Teze, Edem-Teze, Akungom-Teze, Unooh-Ajei.
The below communities are called upon to take their responsibility to ensure their participation in the PROLOG Funding.